Magnifying glass
Magnifying glass
Magnifying Glass instantly turns your iPhone or iPad into a digital magnifying glass and adds an easy-to-use digital zoom to your camera. Using this app, you can zoom and rotate the images coming the iPhone camera to get the best view of what you are observing.
Magnifying Glass is also a fully functional camera. At any time, simply snap a picture and the image will be saved to the iPhone camera roll.
Magnifying Glass has several built-in features to help you view things better, including image stabilization. A ‘freeze’ feature is also included to freeze the image on the screen. Once an image is frozen, you can apply X-ray and/or contrast filters to highlight unseen details in the image. Magnifying Glass also gives you full control over the iPhone torch so you can use it as a flashlight or to illuminate the subject you are studying even better.
New York Times App of the Week
We are proud that Magnifying Glass was named a New York Times App of the Week in October of 2009. Here is an excerpt from the New York Times review of our app:
“Of the several [magnification apps] I tried my favorite is Magnifying Glass from I-Beam. The [iPhone app] is simplicity itself. Turn it on, point the camera at the fine print and then touch the plus button until it’s enlarged enough to read...
“Two other built-in features I like about Magnifying Glass: the button that instantly resets the image to low magnification and the camera button that lets you take a photo of the magnified image. That way you can blow up the truly illegible on your desktop screen, or even enhance the image for better viewing.”
- Roy Furchgott, New York Times
Magnifying Glass
for iPhone/iPod
Magnifying Glass
for iPad